Meridiani Montagne Magazine
Launched in 2002, Meridiani Montagne is Italy’s leading title on high and low altitude mountain territories, from the Alps to the Apennines and the best peaks worldwide. Circulated in kiosks as well as in Italy’s best bookshops, Meridiani Montagne describes each territory with wide-ranging articles, surveys reports, and provides in-depth coverage on culture, history, traditions and curiosities, with an exhaustive section featuring practical information and the most interesting itineraries.
Meridiani Montagne is about reading, but also about experiencing. Each monograph is enriched by custom-made maps, much appreciated by the readers, with the best hiking itineraries (mountaineering, snowshoes, trekking, walking, hiking trails) shelters and hiking information. Each issue is enriched by a guide including news, practical information, hospitality and facility tips (bed & breakfast, hotels, restaurants, shelters, museums, highlights, emergency numbers).
Editor-in-chief Giovanna Mazzocchi Bordone
Scientific Director Paolo Paci
Editorial and Advertising DepartmentEditoriale Domus S.p.A., 20089 Rozzano (Milano), Via Gianni Mazzocchi, 1/3
tel +39.02.82472.253/502 fax +39.02.82472.385
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